Overzicht Publicaties
Vereecken C, De Pauw A, Van Cauwenbergh S, Maes L. Development and test retest reliability of a nutrition knowledge questionnaire for primary school children (accepted) Public Health Nutrition
De Coen V, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Vereecken C, Verbestel V, Haerens L, Huybrechts I, Van Lippevelde W, Maes L. Effects of a 2-year healthy eating and physical activity intervention for 3 to 6 year olds in high and low SES communities: the POP-project. (accepted) Public Health Nutrition
De Coen V, Van Steenlandt S, Maes L, Huybrechts I, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Vereecken C. Parental socioeconomic status and soft drink consumption of the child: The mediating proportion of parenting practices (accepted) Appetite
Hallström L, Labayen I, Ruiz JR, Patterson E, Vereecken CA, Breidenassel C, Gottrand F, Huybrechts I, Manios Y, Mistura L, Widhalm K, Kondaki K, Moreno LA, Sjöström M.. Breakfast consumption and cardiovascular disease risk factors in European adolescents; The HELENA study (accepted) Public Health Nutrition
Vereecken C, Covents M, Parmentier J, Maes L. Test retest reliability and agreement between children's and parents' reports of a computerized food preferences tool (accepted) Public Health Nutrition
Hallström L, Vereecken CA, Labayen I, Ruiz JR, Le Donne C, García MC, Gilbert CC, Martínez SG, Grammatikaki E, Huybrechts I, Kafatos A, Kersting M, Manios Y, Molnár D, Patterson E, Widhalm K, De Vriendt T, Moreno LA, Sjöström M.. Breakfast habits among European adolescents and their association with sociodemographic factors: the HELENA (Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence) study. (2012) Public Health Nutrition, ehead
De Craemer M, De Decker E, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Vereecken C, Deforche B, Mannios Y, Cardon G, on behalf of the ToyBox-study group. Correlates of energy balance related behaviours in preschool children: a systematic review (2012) Obesity Reviews, maart, 13(Sup1), pg (13-28)
Huybrechts I, De Keyzer W, Lin Y, Vandevijvere S, Vereecken C, Van Oyen H, Tilleman K, Bellemans M, De Maeyer M, De Backer G and De Henauw S. Food sources and correlates of sodium and potassium intakes in Flemish preschoolers (2011) Public Health Nutrition, oktober, 6, pg ehead
De Keyzer W, Lin Y, Vereecken C, Maes L, Van Oyen H, Vanhauwaert E, De Backer G, De Henauw S, Huybrechts I. Dietary sources of energy and macronutrient intakes among Flemish preschoolers (2011) Archives of Public Health, oktober, 69, pg 5
Hallström L, Vereecken C, Ruiz J, Patterson E, Gilbert C, Catastag G, Díaz L, Gómez-Martínez S, González Grossi M, Gottrand F, Hegyik A, Lehoux C, Mouratidou T, Kurt Widham K , Åström A, Moreno L, Sjöström M. Breakfast Habits and Factors Influencing Food Choices at breakfast in Relation to Socio-demographic and Family Factors among European Adolescents: The HELENA study (2011) Appetite, juni, 56(3), pg (649-657)
Maes L, Cook TL, Ottovaere C, Matthijs C, Moreno LA, Kersting M, Papadaki A, Manios Y, Dietrich S, Hallström L, Haerens L, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Vereecken C. Pilot evaluation of the HELENA (Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence) Food-O-Meter, a computer-tailored nutrition advice for adolescents: a study in six European cities. (2011) Public Health Nutrition, juli, 14(7), pg (1292-1302)
Vereecken C, Vandervorst S, Nicklas T, Covents M, Maes L. Test-retest reliability and comparison of children’s reports with parents’ reports of young children’s fruit and vegetable preferences (2010) Appetite, december, 55(3), pg (574-581)
Vereecken C, Rovner A, Maes L. Associations of parenting styles, parental feeding practices and child characteristics with young children's fruit and vegetable consumption. (2010) Appetite, december, 55(3), pg (589-596)
Haerens L, Vereecken C, Maes L, De Bourdeaudhuij I. Relationship of physical activity and dietary habits with BMI in the transition from childhood to adolescence: a 4 year longitudinal study (2010) Public Health Nutrition, oktober, 10(10A), pg (1722-1728)
Vereecken C, Haerens L, De Bourdeaudhui I, Maes L. The relationship between parenting practices during childhood and dietary patterns in childhood and adolescence (2010) Public Health Nutrition, oktober, 10(10A), pg (1729-1735)
Vereecken C, Covents M, Maes L. Comparison of a food frequency questionnaire with an online dietary assessment tool for assessing preschool children’s dietary intake (2010) Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, oktober, 23(5), pg (502-510)
Huybrechts I, Vereecken C, De Bacquer D, Van Oyen H, Maes L, Vanhauwaert E, Temme E, De Backer G, De Henauw S. Reproducibility and validity of a diet quality index for children assessed using a FFQ (2010) British Journal of Nutrition, juli, 104(1), pg (135-144)
Vereecken C, Dohogne S, Covents M, Maes L. How accurate are adolescents in portion size assessment using the computer tool Young Adolescents’ Nutrition Assessment on Computer (YANA-C) (2010) British Journal of Nutrition, juni, 103(12), pg (1844-1850)
Verzeletti C, Maes L, Santinello M, Vereecken C. Soft drink consumption in adolescence: associations with food-related lifestyles and family rules in Belgium Flanders and the Veneto Region of Italy; (2010) European Journal of Public Health, juni, 20(3), pg (312-317)
Vereecken C, De Bourdeaudhui I, Maes L. The HELENA online food frequency questionnaire: reproducibility and comparison with four 24-hour recalls in Belgian-Flemish adolescents (2010) European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, mei, 64(5), pg (541-548)
De Wandel D, Maes L, Labeau S, Vereecken C, Blot S. Behavioural Determinants of Hand Hygiene Compliance in the Intensive Care Unit: validation of a questionnaire and identification of determinants (2010) American Journal of Critical Care, mei, 19(3), pg (230-239)
Huybrechts I, Maes L, Vereecken C, De Bacquer D, De Backer G, De Henauw S. High dietary supplement intakes among Flemish preschoolers (2010) Appetite, april, 54(2), pg (340-345)
Verzeletti C, Maes L, Santinello M, Baldassari D, Vereecken C. Food-related family lifestyle associated with fruit and vegetable consumption among young adolescents in Belgium Flanders and the Veneto Region of Italy (2010) Appetite, april, 54(2), pg (394-397)
Al Sabbah H, Vereecken C, Abdeen Z, Ahluwalia N, Kelly C, Ojala K, Németh, A, Maes L. Weight control behaviors among Overweight, Normal weight and Underweight adolescents in Palestine: Findings from the National Study of Palestinian Schoolchildren (HBSC-WBG2004) (2010) International Journal of Eating Disorders, april, 43(4), pg (326-336)
Vereecken C, Maes L. Young children's dietary habits and associations with the mothers’ nutritional knowledge and attitudes (2010) Appetite, februari, 54(1), pg (44-51)
Zambon A, Morgan A, Vereecken C, Colombini S, Boyce W, Mazur J, Lemma P, Cavallo F. The contribution of clubs participation to adolescent health: evidence from 6 countries (2010) Journal of epidemiology and community health, januari, 64(1), pg (89-95)
Vereecken C, Huybrechts I, Van Houte H, Martens, V, Wittebroodt I, Maes L. Results from a dietary intervention study in preschools “Beastly Healthy At School” (2009) International Journal of Public Health, mei, 54(3), pg (142-149)
Richter M, Vereecken C, Boyce W, Maes L, Nic Gabhainn S, Currie C. Parental occupation, family affluence and adolescent health behaviour in 28 countries (2009) International Journal of Public Health, augustus, 54(4), pg (203-212)
Vereecken C, Covents M, Haynie D, Maes L. Feasibility of the Young Children’s Nutrition Assessment on the Web (2009) Journal of the American Dietetic Association, november, 109(11), pg (1896-1902)
Haerens L, Maes L, Vereecken C, De Henauw S, Moreno L, De Bourdeaudhuij I. Effectiveness of a computer tailored physical activity intervention in adolescents compared to a generic advice (2009) Patient Education and Counseling, oktober, 77(1), pg (38-41)
Vereecken C, De Henauw S, Maes L, Moreno L, Manios Y, Phillipp K, Plada M, De Bourdeaudhuij Ion behalf of the HELENA study group. Reliability and validity of a healthy diet determinants questionnaire for adolescents (2009) Public Health Nutrition, oktober, 12(10), pg (1830-1838)
Haug E, Rasmussen M, Samdal O, Iannotti R, Kelly C, Borraccino A, Vereecken C, Melkevik O, Lazzeri G, Giacchi M, Ercan O, Due P, Ravens-Sieberer U, Currie C, Morgan A, Ahluwalia N and the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Obesity Working Group. Overweight in school-aged children and its relationship with demographic and lifestyle factors: Results from the WHO-Collaborative Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Study (2009) International Journal of Public Health, september, 54(S2), pg (167-179)
Vereecken C, Dupuy M, Rasmussen M, Kelly C, Nansel TR, Al Sabbah H, Baldassari D, Delgrande Jordan M, Maes L, Niclasen BVL, Ahluwalia N. Breakfast consumption and its socio-demographic and lifestyle correlates in schoolchildren in 41 countries participating in the HBSC study (2009) International Journal of Public Health, september, 54(S2), pg (180-190)
Richter M, Erhart M, Vereecken C, Zambon A, Boyce W, Nic Gabhainn. The role of behavioural factors in explaining socio-economic differences in adolescent health: a multilevel study in 33 countries (2009) Social Science & Medicine, augustus, 69(3), pg (396-403)
Vereecken C, Van Houte H, Martens, V, Wittebroodt I, Maes L. Parents’ and teachers’ opinions about the school food policy in Belgian Flemish nursery schools (2009) International journal of environmental research and public health, maart, 6, pg (1268-1281)
Vereecken C, Legiest E, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Maes L. Associations between general parenting styles, specific food-related parenting practices, and children’s food consumption (2009) American Journal of Health Promotion, maart, 23(4), pg (233-240)
Al Sabbah H, Vereecken C, Elgar F, Nansel T, Aasvee K, Abdeen Z, Ojala K, Ahluwalia N, Maes L. Body Weight Dissatisfaction and Communication with Parents among Adolescents in 24 Countries: International Cross-Sectional Survey (2009) BMC Public Health, februari, 6(9), pg 52
Al Sabbah H, Vereecken C, Abdeen Z, Coats E Maes L. Associations of overweight and of weight dissatisfaction among Palestinian adolescents: findings from the national study of Palestinian schoolchildren (HBSC-WBG2004) (2009) Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, februari, 22(1), pg (40-49)
Vereecken C, Rossi S, Giacchi M, Maes L. Comparison of a short food frequency questionnaire and derived indices with a seven-day diet record in Belgian and Italian children (2008) International Journal of Public Health, december, 53(6), pg (297-305)
Huybrechts I, Matthys C, Vereecken C, Maes L, Temme EH, Van Oyen H, De Backer G, De Henauw S. Food intakes by preschool children in flanders compared with dietary guidelines (2008) International journal of environmental research and public health, december, 5(4), pg (243-257)
Iliescu C, Béghin L, Maes L, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Libersa C, Vereecken C, Gonzales-Gross M, Kersting M, Molnar M, Leclercq C, Sjöström M, Manios Y, Wildhalm K, Kafatos A, Moreno L, Gottrand F on behalf of the HELENA Study Group. Socioeconomic questionnaire and clinical assessment in the HELENA cross-sectional study: methodology (2008) International Journal of Obesity (London), november, 32 sup(5), pg (S19-S25)
Kersting M, Sichert-Hellert W, Vereecken C, Diehl J, Beghin L, De Henauw S, Grammatikaki E, Manios Y, Mesana M I, Papadaki A, Phillipp K, PLADA M, Poortvliet E, Sette S on behalf of the HELENA Study Group. Food and nutrient intake, nutritional knowledge and diet-related attitudes in European adolescents (2008) International Journal of Obesity (London), november, 32 sup(5), pg (S35-S41)
Maes L, Vereecken C, Gedrich K, Rieken K, Sichert-Hellert W, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Kersting M, Manios Y, Plada M, Hagströmer M, Dietrich S, Matthys C on behalf of the HELENA Study Group. A feasibility study of using a diet optimisation approach in a web based computer tailoring intervention for adolescents (2008) International Journal of Obesity (London), november, 32 sup(5), pg (S76-S81)
Vereecken C, Covents M, Sichert-Hellert W, Fernández Alvira J, Le Donne C, De Henauw S, De Vriendt T, Phillipp K, Beghin L, Manios Y, Poortvliet E, Matthys C, Plada M, Nagy E and Moreno L on behalf of the HELENA Study Group. Development and Evaluation of Self-Administration of a computerized 24-hour dietary recall for adolescents in Europe (2008) International Journal of Obesity (London), november, 32 sup(5), pg (S26-S34)
Vereecken C, Huybrechts I, Maes L, De Henauw S. Food consumption among preschoolers: does the school make a difference? (2008) Appetite, november, 51(3), pg (723-726)
Ojala K, Vereecken C, Välimaa R, Currie C, Villberg J, Tynjälä J, Kannas L. Attempts to lose weight among overweight and non-overweight adolescents: a cross-national survey (2007) International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, oktober, 14(4), pg (50-50)
Hublet A, De Bacquer D, Boyce W, Godeau E, Schmid H, Vereecken C, De Baets F, Maes L. Smoking in young people with asthma (2007) Journal of Public Health (Oxf), augustus, 29(4), pg (343-349)
Al Sabbah H, Vereecken C, Kolsteren P, Abdeen Z, Maes L. Food Habits and Physical Activity Patterns among Palestinian Adolescents: Findings from the National Study of Palestinian school children (HBSC-WBG2004) (2007) Public Health Nutrition, juli, 10(7), pg (739-746)
Haerens L, De Bourdeaudhuij I Maes L, Vereecken C, Brug J, Deforche B. The effects of a middle school healthy eating intervention on adolescents’ fat and fruit intake and soft-drink consumption (2007) Public Health Nutrition, mei, 10(5), pg (443-448)
Vereecken C, Maes L. Television viewing and food consumption in Flemish adolescents in Belgium (2006) Sozial und Praeventiv Medicine, november, 51(5), pg (311-317)
Hublet A, Andersen A, Godeau E, Vereecken C, Valimaa R, Tynjala J, Boyce W, Maes L. Asthma and wheezing symptoms in young people in six Western countries (2006) Revue d\'Epidemiologie et Sante Publique, september, 54(4), pg (305-312)
Maes L, Vereecken C, Vanobbergen J, Honkala S. Tooth brushing and social characteristics of families in 32 countries (2006) International Dental Journal, juni, 56, pg (159-167)
Vereecken C, Todd J, Roberts C, Mulvihill C, Maes L. Television viewing behaviour and associations with food habits in different countries (2006) Public Health Nutrition, april, 9(2), pg (244-50)
Vereecken C, Maes L. Comparison of a computer administered and paper and pencil administered questionnaire on health and lifestyle behaviors (2006) Journal of Adolescent Health, april, 38(4), pg (426-432)
Vereecken C, De Henauw S, Maes L. Adolescents’ food habits: results of the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Survey (2005) British Journal of Nutrition, september, 94(3), pg (423-431)
Vereecken C, Inchley J, Subramanian SV, Hublet A, Maes L. The relative influence of individual and contextual socio-economic status on consumption of fruit and soft drinks among adolescents in Europe (2005) European Journal of Public Health, juni, 15(3), pg (224-232)
Janssen I, Katzmarzyk PT, BoyceWF, Vereecken C, Mulvihill C, Roberts C, Currie, C, Pickett W. Comparison of overweight and obesity prevalences in school-aged youth from 34 countries and their relationships with physical activity and dietary patterns (2005) Obesity Reviews, mei, 6, pg (123-132)
Vereecken C, Covents M, Matthys C Maes L. Young adolescents’ Nutrition Assessment on Computer (2005) European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, mei, 59(5), pg (658-667)
Vereecken C, Van Damme W, Maes L. Measuring attitudes, self-efficacy and social and environmental influences of fruit and vegetable consumption of 11-12 year old children: reliability and validity (2005) Journal of the American Dietetic Association, februari, 105(2), pg (257-261)
Vereecken C, Bobelijn K, Maes L. School food policy at primary and secondary schools in Belgium-Flanders: does it influence young people's food habits? (2005) European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, februari, 59(2), pg (271-277)
Vereecken C, Keukelier, E, Maes L. Influence of mother's educational level on food parenting practices and food habits of young children (2004) Appetite, augustus, 43, pg (93-103)
Hublet A, De Bacquer D, Vereecken C, Maes L. Value of a shortened questionnaire in the description of asthma in 10-12 years old pupils (2004) Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, juni, 15, pg (247-252)
Vereecken C, Maes L, De Bacquer, D. The influence of parental occupation and the pupils' educational level on lifestyle behaviors among adolescents in Belgium (2004) Journal of Adolescent Health, april, 34, pg (330-338)
Vereecken C, Maes L. A Belgian study on the reliability and relative validity of the Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children food frequency questionnaire (2003) Public Health Nutrition, september, 6(6), pg (581-588)
Vereecken C, Vandegehuchte, A. Measurement of parental occupation: Agreement between parents and their children (2003) Archives of Public Health, 61, pg (141-149)
Vereecken C. Paper pencil versus pc administered querying of a study on health behaviour in school-aged children (2001) Archives of Public Health, 59, pg (43-61)